Erwin Smith Character Analysis

The best Character from Attack on Titan?

Erwin Smith is the man who became a devil in order to save humanity and quench his thirst for knowledge. Without the help of this man, humanity could’ve never managed to rise against the threat of the vicious titans. Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at all the many traits of Erwin Smith that make him the best character from Attack on Titan.

Who is Erwin Smith?

Erwin Smith is the 13th commander of the Survey Corps and a man that is respected by many. This strong warrior cares deeply for his soldiers, but he cares even more about getting results. Erwin is ready to make any and all kinds of sacrifices for the well-being and progress of mankind. He is described by many as a devil as he likes to gamble with literal human lives. This stoic commander has fed many of his bravest soldiers to the titans just to gain the slightest of an edge against these mindless beasts. Erwin is the first man to realize that only a devil could ever hope to defeat these devils, and he wasn’t wrong at all.

What drives Erwin?

A lot of things drive this honorable man to keep on moving forward. However, the biggest reason why he is able to stand tall in front of a gigantic titan is his desire to uncover the truth. When Erwin was just a little boy, his father told him a small fact about the world around him. His father told him about how the King had altered their memories to hide their past. Though this cost Erwin’s father his life, it wasn’t a mistake! This truth and the tragic death of his father lit a fire inside the heart of this brave young soul.

A consistent Character

Of course! A good character, no matter how dynamic, has to be consistent and realistic. And Erwin is the embodiment of consistency! This man always stays true to his character and shows us what a great commander looks like. Erwin is extremely wise, but he knows that sometimes he just has to trust the feeling in his gut in order to make a difference. This man takes chances and throws away the lives of his comrades, but he also understands the weight of these lives. He deeply cares for each and every one of his soldiers, but he keeps on moving forward for the sake of humanity.


The one thing that I absolutely love about Erwin is his down-to-earth personality. From the start, Erwin always knew that he is just a pawn! This commander never values his life over any of his soldiers and fights alongside them. Erwin believes that he is just another replaceable commander and makes himself a part of his inhumane gambles. Sadly, in the end, Erwin Smith had to give up on his dream of uncovering the truth in order to push humanity forward.

Being the most excellent strategist, a stoic commander and a loving comrade, Erwin definitely deserves the title of “the best character from Attack on Titan.”


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