Sword Art Online (SAO) vs Guns Gale Online (GGO)

Wouldn't it be cool if there was a current technology that allowed you to escape the real world and enter a virtual game?

That is the central theme of this anime.

A series that any gamer would enjoy binge-watching, it reminds me of the American film “Ready Player One”, which has a similar plot.

Where it gets sick is getting trapped in the game and unable to log out.

Sick or not?! That’s how this anime started.

The story revolves around the protagonists Kirigaya Kazuto “Kirito” and Asuna Yuuki, who are stuck in the virtual world of "Sword Art Online" (SAO) with other gamers. In order to be released from the game, they must clear all 100 Floors and defeat the final boss. Once dead in the virtual world, the character also dies in real life.

Over 2000 gamers died in the first month of being stuck as they couldn't work out how the game works. Kirito, on the other hand, was a beta tester, so he has a good understanding of how VR games work, enabling him to level up and earn a lot of items.

Despite his preference for being a solo player, Kirito teamed up with Asuna. They grew fond of themselves and married online, during their honeymoon, they met a girl named Yui, who happened to be an Ai from the game. They adopted her and began to live together as a family.

Kirito found out that Heathcliff (Leader of the Knights of the Blood Guild) was secretly Kayaba Akihiko (The inventor of the game), and challenged him. Heathcliff then propose an evenly matched duel, promising that the remaining players will be logged out of the game if Kirito wins. Kirito defeats Heathcliff, thereby clearing the game.

Many characters died throughout the course of the show (SAO), either killed by monsters of various kinds or by others' swords.

The plot continues as it features two other VR games; Alfheim Online (ALO) and Guns Gale online (GGO). ALO is quite similar to SAO as It uses many of the same systems (Such as the cardinal's quest generator and the sword skills) but also adds magic and flying. Unlike the other two, GGO is distinct.

In this post we’ll be comparing Sword Art Online SAO VS Guns Gale Online GGO. Let’s get right into it

Based on the titles, you're probably already aware of the differences between the two games: Sword in SAO and Guns in GGO. In SAO, the emphasis is on swords and sword skills, while in GGO, the emphasis is on guns and strategies.

GGO story follow as Kirito temporarily converted his ALO avatar to GGO through The Seed in order to investigate a series of unusual deaths rumored to be linked to a mysterious player known as Death Gun, who has the power to kill an individual in the real world by shooting their virtual avatar. As a result, Kirito competed in the game's biggest tournament, the Bullet of Bullets, where he forms an alliance with a girl named Shino Asada "Sinon" (who does an excellent job of filling Asuna's position as the powerful, independent female from SAO.) to investigate the mysterious player.

Sinon, a brilliant sniper, is motivated by a traumatic childhood encounter in which she was forced to shoot a bank robber to defend herself. She developed PTSD after that and now freezes up whenever she sees or hears a gun, with the exception of GGO. She's shy and anxious in real life, but she's still confident and solid in GGO. Her main motive for playing is to try to overcome her PTSD through experience in the game, since she isn’t afraid of guns there.

Death gun supposedly kills his prey in the game, but in reality, he collaborates with someone who injects the target, causing them to die without any biological traces, making it appear as if they died naturally.

Death gun happens to be a member from the laughing coffin an infamous red player-killing guild in SAO. He wields a handgun as their in-game Death Gun, as well as an (Sniper rifle as the primary weapon), which was used to paralyze their victims from afar.

As previously said, GGO is a gun game, but Kirito has never gotten the knack of shooting guns as he has always preferred swords. Luckily for him, he has the option of using a sword, but not just any sword. A PHOTON SWORD! similar to the Star Wars "Lightsaber."

You might be thinking, bringing a sword to a gun’s fight! How sick is that?!

Kirito, uses his maxed-out stats and reflexes from SAO to compensate for the disadvantage of using a blade against guns, allowing him to avoid and block bullets while also closing in and killing his opponents. After battling death gun in the finals of Bullet of Bullets, Kirito and Sinon defeated him. It was a nail-biter! The action is intense, and the tactics and strategies used are excellent, inventive, and amusing (way above SOA)

With firearms everywhere and really slick animation designs, it has to be one of the best displays of guns tactics I've ever seen in anime. The best way to see it is to envision it as a stream of Call of Duty (COD).

Whether you like it better or worse than SOA depends on your personal preferences. Personally, I was more drawn to GGO since I've always had a thing for guns, and I love it when the character “Sinon” is in action; she inspires me as a diehard COD fan who also enjoys using snipers. You don't want to run into me on the battleground.

I also think SAO's music is superior to GGO's. LISA did an excellent job with her songs.

If you're looking for an anime similar to SAO with the subject of isekai (another world) and game, you should look into Overlord, No Game No Life, and Log Horizon.

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