Top 10 Best Anime for Beginners

The world of anime is smothered with a stupid number of genuinely good anime. You can keep watching anime for tens of thousands of hours and yet, you’ll never run out of more of them to watch.

This can feel overwhelming for anyone who wants to get into this medium, which is why we have compiled a list of the Top 10 Best Anime for Beginners.

These are the anime that are super easy to get into, which makes them the ideal starting point for potential anime fans.

Please note that the following anime are not listed in terms of their quality. This is not a post about which is the best anime, as they are ranked in terms of their ability to appeal to a broader audience.

Well then, shall we begin?

10 -One Piece


One Piece is a series that has been one of the mainstays of both “Anime” and “Manga” for well over two decades. It has an extraordinary cast of characters along with brilliant world building.

Through its narrative, it lets us explore another world.

There is a certain thrill in following long running anime, and only those who have been following such anime can relate to this thrill.

Sure, they require some degree of commitment, but after you finally make the decision and start watching them, you’ll always have more interesting stuff to look forward to.

In that sense, One Piece is the ideal choice.

It starts off as an anime about Monkey D. Luffy who is on his quest of finding the World’s Greatest Treasure called “One Piece”, but that’s only the end goal. It’s the journey that matters the most.

9 - Demon Slayer


After it’s undeniable success in 2020, there is hardly an anime fan who hasn’t watched or at least heard about this anime.

It tells us the story of a young boy named Kamado Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko. Both of them fall prey to the heinous actions of a Demon, which turns Tanjiro’s life upside down overnight. His sister has turned into a Demon, and the rest of his family is mercilessly murdered.

Now, with his back against the wall, what will Tanjiro do?

This is a brilliantly executed anime that makes full use of the entire duration of every episode, and the way it’s animated is breathtaking.

8 - Your Name


Anime Movies are a major component of the anime medium, and to be honest, these are the easiest way for anyone to get into anime.

And the most recommended anime movie is Your Name. It is a beautifully crafted story that tells the tale of two young high school students who get tied together by fate.

It catches your attention with the glorious visuals and doesn’t let you off until you are done watching it.

Furthermore, the background music and songs never get old, you can listen to them years later and still experience that nostalgia you had when you watched it.

7 - Jujutsu Kaisen 


Jujutsu Kaisen is a new shounen so if you are looking for something fresh, this is it!

The story centers around the concept of cursed spirits which the vast majority of people are seemingly unaware of, and the individuals who deal with such cursed spirit are Jujutsu Sorcerers.

Sounds simple enough? Well, not so much.

The characters in this anime are realistic individuals with a number of emotional dilemmas of their own. And the way this anime portrays the monologues of such characters is a job well done.

Plus, it is backed by visually appealing animation!

6 - Violet Evergarden


This one is about a girl named “Violet Evergarden.” Who, because of her tragic childhood, lacks enough mental understanding to decipher the meaning behind the word “love.”

She makes up her mind to understand what this word means, and for that, she becomes a letter writer for a well reputed company. She writes letters for people who want to convey their emotions to their loved ones through words.

It is a story, but it also a compilation of short and sweet emotionally captivating stories that are sometimes enough to move anyone to the verge of tears.

If you are more into drama-oriented stories, this one is your cup of tea!

5 - Haikyuu

The sports genre is huge when it comes to anime, and the most appreciated sports anime out of them all is, “Haikyuu.”

The literal translation of the word Haikyuu is “Volleyball.” And that’s what this anime is about, it’s about the love of volleyball, and how passion for a sport can drastically influence one’s life.

There are relatable characters, wholesome characters, badass characters, and this anime is about their mental struggles as they aim to rise above the old shackles that were once placed upon them.

Haikyuu is a story, but it’s also an experience, as you’ll find out once you start watching this gem of an anime.

4 - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

There is hardly an anime that has been praised as much as this one.

It refers to a lot of sensitive issues and ideologies throughout its entire duration, and yet it is suitable for almost everyone to watch.

The story is about two brothers, namely Edward and Alphonse, it starts off as a tragedy as the brothers go about performing a forbidden ritual and end up losing a lot in the process. But that’s still just the beginning. 

This anime has a wide range of genuinely interesting characters. Sometimes, it can even make you hate a certain character to death. It is a mind-blowing, sometimes astonishing, anime, and it is something you should definitely watch.

3 - One Punch Man

The concept of superheroes has always existed in almost every medium.

However, this anime hints upon the controversial side of the society when it comes to heroes, or rather, when it comes to a certain hero.

The story is centered around a phenomenally strong individual named Saitama, he flawlessly takes care of adversaries with a single punch, hence the title “One Punch Man.”

But what makes this series so interesting is the hypocrisy or rather, ignorance against this certain individual who just so happens to be the world’s symbol of strength or at least he would be, if he got acknowledged.

To put it simply, this anime is about the greatest legend never told, and it is unexpectedly clever.

2 - Death Note

Death Note has always been the main gateway for potential anime fans to get into the medium, and it has been that way for over a decade until Attack on titan became the next big thing and joined Death Note, in introducing the anime medium to as many people as possible.

It is a psychological thriller capable of getting you over the edge with its unconventional plot points, and then throwing you off with the unexpected plot twists.

The suspense makes you want to click on the next episode right away, you just can’t help but want to know what happens next.

1 - Attack On Titan

Just like Death Note this anime has also been the main gateway for potential anime fans to get into this medium, and while it may not be a psychological thriller like Death Note, Attack on titan has its own way of grabbing the viewer’s attention.

The story takes place in a world where humanity has been confined into giant walls, and the world beyond the walls is inhabited by giant humanoid figures who are naturally prone to devouring humans.

That’s right, in the world of Attack on titan, humanity isn’t at the top of the food chain. Or at least, that’s how it begins.

You see, the genius of Attack on titan is the foreshadowing, whenever you think you have a fair idea of what’s going on, something astonishing gets revealed, and you find yourself jaw struck at “what the heck just happened?”

Attack on titan’s strength is its plot twists as well as its ability to shock the viewer into submission. In many ways, it’s the perfect anime for anyone who wants to get into this medium.

There you have it, these were the top 10 best anime for beginners.

However, these are still just the starting point, once you get into the medium, you’ll see firsthand just how diverse this medium actually is.

There are many Masterpieces not mentioned in this list… you can look forward to discovering them yourself.

Have fun watching any of those anime!

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