Will Artificial Intelligence Change The Anime Industry?
These days there has been quite a lot of buzz about Artificial Intelligence.
We have Hollywood Writers and even Actors striking because they are worried about getting replaced with AI, of course, it’s not just them. We have no idea which careers are safe and which are bound to get swallowed by the emerging AI bloom.
Truth be told, every industry is going to get affected by AI.
It’s inevitable.
So how about we take a look at the ways AI is going to change the Anime Industry?
Now, if you have watched the Anime called “Shirobako”, or you are familiar with the Anime Industry, you already know how much sweat and blood goes into creating one episode of Anime.
Being an Animator in Japan is genuinely one of the hardest jobs on the planet. It’s hard work, but in recent years, there have been major advancements in CGI Animation.
Yes, Japanese Anime are often terrible at CGI but now we have AI.
Just recently, there were reports of an entire episode of South Park generated entirely by AI.
It’s just as it sounds, Artificial Intelligence was able to create an entire new episode of South Park.
What we’re talking about is AI tech called SHOW-1, it isn’t out yet, but from what we can see, it is able to write, produce, animated, and voice completely new episodes of shows we already watch and love.
The name is Fable, it’s a San Francisco startup.
Crazy, right?
One can make wild predictions of what the future of Entertainment is going to look like in a few years.
Though to be fair, if there is one TV show that looks like a powerpoint presentation than that’s South Park. It is simple enough for an AI to understand and create, that’s why they went with South Park to show the world what kind of AI tool they are creating.
Not to mention, the quality is horrendous.
You are not laughing at this episode like you laugh at every other South Park episode.
But we both know that AI is still in its baby stage, it’s going to get better and it’s going to get better fast.
Today, it can only create an episode of South Park.
But what if five or ten years from now?
Who knows, it may be able to create an entirely new episode of Demon Slayer, Attack On Titan, or even One Piece. Like imagine One Piece finally ends after like 3 decades of putting out episodes week after week.
All the One Piece fans are sad because there are no more One Piece episodes of manga chapters, but then someone starts using AI to create new One Piece episodes for everyone to watch?
What if you can create your own episode of One Piece?
Guys, this is not a joke. I’m taking this post completely seriously.
All of this is a real possibility, but this makes you ask yourself an interesting question.
Would you watch An Anime created by Artificial Intelligence?
Honestly, I’m not sure. It isn’t even about if it will be good or not. The idea that no actual artistic soul was involved in the production process decreases the value of the Anime.
That’s why, what we’re going to talk about next is how Artificial Intelligence could be incorporated into the current Anime Industry. We can definitely ease up the load and the shoulders of all the hardworking Animators by using Stable Diffusion sometime in the future.
What we’re talking about is the use of AI as a tool to automate boring work.
Keep it in mind that Hollywood has already decided to cash on Artificial Intelligence instead of paying their writers and actors. For all we know, some Anime studios may already be using AI in the production process somewhere and we may be dismissing it as normal CGI.
Also do you know that you can create a video of yourself in real life AND just make it look like Anime using Stable Diffusion?
Yes, and there is huge potential for this to be used in the Anime industry.
You see, there is this thing called Rotoscoping.
It’s like this, the animators trace over a live-action footage frame by frame and it is then used to create characters that move just like people would in the real world, but now, they can just use Stable Diffusion instead of tracing every frame of the live action footage.
This would save the animators so much time and effort.
This also means that it is only going to get easier and easier for Anime Studios to make anime. Who knows, in a few years, maybe you can create your own anime from scratch using just AI tools.
This will create a whole new era of Anime and Animation in general where people would make their anime and upload them on YouTube. Yes, it is already a thing, but what we’re talking about is abundance.
Naturally, Manga creators would also benefit a lot from AI tools. They can be used for coming up with ideas for character designs, for designing backgrounds, and even for just coming up with a good idea.
Writer’s block?
Ask AI for suggestions.
All in all, as is the case with everything. Once it gets easier and easier to make Anime, the value of truly brilliant Animated Shows will skyrocket.
Mediocrity never lasts.
Nobody wants to watch boring, formulaic anime all the time.
So unless the Anime Industry takes their game to a level unlike anything we’ve seen before from them, they would inevitably decline in popularity as better sources of entertainment enter the scene.
Bureaucracy is huge in the Anime medium right now, but in the future, there will be no place for “Boomer Nonsense.”
One Piece is the prime example of this.
The pacing has killed the Anime, but it has to be this way because it has always been this way, but imagine if One Piece was a seasonal like Demon Slayer or Jujutsu Kaisen?
The pacing and overall quality would be so much better.
Of course, One Piece is just one example. What I’m trying to say is that only those Studios who give the very best Anime Adaptations and Anime Originals will survive. Rest will get taken over by individual content creators.
That’s all folks.
These were my thoughts on the future of the Anime Industry now that AI has entered the chat.
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